Dental Veneers: Installation And Price

What is a dental veneer?
Dental veneers are extremely thin mini shells (0.6 to 0.7 mm thick), which the dentist sticks to the visible part of one or more teeth to improve their appearance, like false nails . Dental veneers are made to measure in order to perfectly adapt to the teeth and are an alternative to dental crowns . Easy to install, they also offer a very natural result that lasts over time.

Dental veneer before / after: What are the advantages?
Facets are widely used for:
- Correct the shape of the teeth
- Correct tooth alignment
- Improve the color of the teeth
Thanks to this process, it becomes very easy to hide defects. Dental veneers are obviously intended for visible front teeth. No need therefore to consider them for molars!
What type of dental veneers to choose?
Ceramic veneers : The ceramic veneer is the most commonly used. Ceramic is a material that is perfectly compatible with living tissue, the mechanical and optical properties of which are similar to those of natural teeth.
Composite veneers : Composite veneers
, a kind of resin, are less used because they offer a less aesthetic rendering and are less solid in use.
Porcelain veneers :
There are also porcelain veneers. These are 0.2mm thick mini shells that can be fitted very simply without prior cutting of the teeth. However, there is a lack of nuances and luminosity with a less aesthetic result than the ceramic veneer. Porcelain veneers are contraindicated in the case of teeth tilted forward or prominent because of the risk of “over volume”.
Placement of dental veneers: How are they put in place?
You should plan about two or three sessions of one hour each .
The first is intended to establish an aesthetic project which will have to meet the wishes of the patient. During the second session, the practitioner cuts the teeth then takes an impression of the preparations and places temporary veneers. During the third session, he proceeds to the installation of the final veneers . It takes about 45 minutes to bond a dental veneer .
Dental veneer price
At Dentego, the price of an emax dental veneer is € 400. The price of dental veneers can of course vary depending on the reputation of the dentist and the region where he practices.
The installation of veneers is an innovative solution much cheaper than that of dental prostheses . The price is up to half the price and the results are often startling.
Dental veneers represent an effective and economical alternative to dental prostheses, an easy solution , painless , very quick to implement and above all with spectacular results. If you don’t like your smile or the color of your teeth , dental veneers are definitely for you!
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